Questions and Answers

Requests for bids will be launched in batches on a regular basis over a period of multiple months, with the first batch scheduled to be from April 2024 onwards in MoH's website as well as MDBs's external websites. Subsequent batches will be launched on an approximately biweekly basis.

The Project consists of three components: a component focusing on primary care equipment (Strengthening of Primary Healthcare in Indonesia - SOPHI), a component focusing on referral hospital equipment (Strengthening of Indonesia's Health Referral Network - SIHREN), and a component focusing on laboratory equipment (Indonesia - Public Laboratory System Strengthening - InPULS). More information can be found on the public webpage for the Project:

Technical specifications and quantities of equipment to be procured will be included in the bidding documents for each type of equipment, to be included as part of the relevant batch of requests for bids. Projected quantities and budgets for each equipment type, subject to change, are also captured in the Procurement Plan on the Ministry of Health's dedicated webpage: Please note that this plan will be continuously revised.

All Procurements under the Project will be carried out in accordance with the World Bank’s Procurement Regulations for Investment Project Financing Borrowers of September 2023 (, with exception of a portion of the SIHREN equipment which will be carried out in accordance with Islamic Development Bank’s Procurement Regulations, as specified in the bidding documents.

The bidding process will follow a manual system. The bidder is requested to submit the original technical and financial bids in hard copy. In addition to the original of the Bid, the bidder is also requested to submit soft file of Technical and Financial Part of bids along with original of bid in the same respective envelope, unless otherwise specified in the bidding documents. In case any inconsistency between soft file and hard copy, the hard copy shall prevail. Further detail on this process, including timelines, will be captured in the bidding documents for each respective bid.

The requirements for participation in any bidding opportunities under this Project, including but not limited to qualification and other eligibility criteria, are included in the relevant procurement documents (Request for Bids). Note that the assessment of a bidder’s qualifications shall not take into consideration the qualifications of other firms such as its subsidiaries, parent entities, affiliates, and subcontractors, unless they are participating as eligible firm(s) as members of a joint venture.

The information on packaging and distribution into lots can be found in the Procurement Plan (subject to continuous revision as relevant), as well as the relevant procurement documents (Request for Bids) of each type of equipment.

Registration of Product (Medical Equipment and Devices) based on the Nomor Izin Edar (NIE, Distribution Permit Number) is required for each equipment and device according to the Minister of Health regulation No.62/2017. However, this shall not be a pre-condition for the bidders to participate in the bidding process and shall not be the basis for rejection. Successful bidders will be offered a track for NIE registration upon receiving the letter of acceptance.

All bidding happens in accordance with the applicable Procurement Policy and Regulations - World Bank’s Procurement Regulations for Investment Project Financing Borrowers of September 2023, or, for specified SIHREN equipment, the Islamic Development Bank's procurement regulations. As indicated in the relevant procurement documentation, this may also include provision for a degree of Domestic Preference as well as a consideration of economic sustainability aspects, where relevant.

All goods and materials to be incorporated in the goods must be new, unused, and of the most recent or current models and must incorporate all recent improvements in design and materials, unless provided for otherwise in the contract. A company can include more than one model of the same type of equipment in the bid, as long as it meets all requirements as specified in schedule of requirements included in the issued procurement documents (Request for Bids). Alternative bids and multiple bids (participation in more than one bids) with different model types are not allowed.

A set of financial and technical criteria will be applied in the bid evaluation. This includes mandatory criteria that each bid should fully comply with (minimum criteria which, in case of non-compliance, will result in bid rejection) as well as specific rated criteria that go beyond the mandatory criteria, offering improvements over the minimum requirements, and receiving a score and weightage as included in the relevant procurement documents (Request for Bids). These criteria are aligned with a total cost of ownership model, which includes provisions for operational support, maintenance, and repairs, consumables and accessories, and staff skill building, as relevant for each type of equipment.

For spefic equipment types (including those that adopt a total cost of ownership model), a staggered delivery to health facilties on an annual basis is foreseen for a period of up to four (4) years from the signing date of the contract, based on the readiness of facilities to receive and operate the equipment sustainably. Note that this will not be applied for all types of equipment. Details of delivery schedule will be provided in the schedule of requirements of each procurement documents (Request for Bids), with limited modifications possible to this schedule on an annual basis.

In order for a facility to receive equipment, four site readiness criteria apply: the availability of existing equipment in the facility, adequate human resource availability, infrastructure and utility readiness, and facility adherence to waste management guidelines. For equipment that requires comprehensive operational support and maintenance under a total cost of ownership approach, only when these criteria are met will the vendor be asked to deliver and install the equipment to the listed health facilities on a staggered, annual basis over a period of up to four years. In order to ensure healt facility readiness, for specific types of equipment that require room preparation such as cath labs or MRIs, the successful bidder is expected to fulfill the room requirement as described in the Technical Specifications. The successful bidder is expected to supply, install and complete the commissioning of the room as a turnkey service. The Purchaser will provide a room that is of adequate size, meets essential requirements related to access for installation, appropriate weight bearing, and adequate power supply as mentioned in facility/site readiness criteria, as appropriate for the type of equipment.

The Ministry of Health actively seeks feedback from potential bidders on key aspects related to the design of the contracts. This is done through questionnaires and focus group discussions ahead and in the wake of the Vendor Conferences which have already taken place, as well as any future conferences, and the establishment of accessible communication channels (via the Q&A form on the public webpage for the Project) with contact details available on the Ministry of Health public webpage for the Project: In order to ensure full transparency and equal information for all bidders, information in relation to the received feedback will be provided through the Vendor Conferences, as wel on the public webpage for the Project. Please note that fairness and transparency of information are of paramount importance to the Ministry of Health, which benefits from the support of an external, independent Probity Assurance Provider throughout the bidding process.

Subcontractor requirements are included in the relevant Procurement Documents (Request for Bids). However, their qualifications and experiences will not be considered in the evaluation of bids. Notet that, if permitted in the procurement document (Request for Bids), qualification and experience of a specialized subcontractors will be required and evaluated.

Applicable Incoterms version will be included in each procurement document (Request for Bids).

For particular types of equipment, in particular those that are procured under a total cost of ownership approach and those that require a large number of consumables, accessories, or software updates for their operation over the equipment lifetime, the technical specifications for each equipment type will specify the consumable, software, and accessory requirements to be included as part of the bid, whereby the provision of consumables is an integral part of the bid and contracting arrangements. Both mandatory and rated criteria will apply to these aspects of the bid, as appropriate.

The Bidder may express the Bid price in any currency. If the Bidder wishes to be paid in a combination of amounts in different currencies, it may quote its price accordingly but shall use no more than three foreign currencies in addition to Indonesian Rupiahas (as the currency of the Purchaser’s Country). The currency of the bid and the contract currency (for payments) shall be the same.

The proposed medical equipment or system should conform to all relevant requirements of national and local medical device regulatory agencies. If the proposed equipment does not conform to widely promulgated standards, the Bidder shall identify in writing, as part of the proposal, the specific requirements that are not met. The relevant requirements will be part of the mandatory and rated criteria captured in the bidding documents for each type of equipment.

The period of validity of the Warranty and the comprehensive on-site operations and maintenance contract shall be together of minimum 60 months from the date of acceptance of the Goods, unless otherwise specified. An upfront quote for another five years of comprehensive service including operational support and maintenance will be required, unless otherwise specified.

The procurement packaging is arranged based on a combination of the type of medical and/or laboratory equipment and medical/laboratory service categories. These are reflected and included in the Procurement Plan, published on the Ministry of Health's public website, as well as external websites of the supporting Multilateral Development Banks. Please note that this packaging is subject to change, which will be reflected in updates to the Procurement Plan as published.

All eligible bidders, including manufacturers, Principals, sole agents, and distributors, can participate in any bidding process either indepenently, or as part of a joint venture, provided that they meet eligibility requirements, including conflict of interest provisions. Note that a firm (for example, a distributor) that is not a bidder or a joint venture member in and of itself, may participate as a subcontractor in more than one bid.

In order to ensure adequate financial capability of each bidder, a minimum annual turnover will be set, tailored to the specific bid volumes and cost. This includes the total revenue or net sales, calculated by the bidder in light of invoices received from each relevant contract, with a minimum required average minimum annual turnover for a period of at least three years specified in the bidding documentation for each lot, unless otherwise specified.

The bidder is required to have a minimum past contract experience to supply and install similar equipment of a minimum cumulative volume as specified in the bidding documents annually in any year within the last seven (7) years prior to bid submission deadline.

The detailed location (province, city, and facility) for each unit will be detailed in the relevant bidding documents. Please note that equipment will be installed across Indonesia, with several lots broken down by geography, as appropriate.

Training of staff in the correct and sustainable operation and maintenance of equipment, in particular complex, high technological equipment, is paramount under the total cost of ownership approach for this project. Upon installation, the supplier will therefore be required to provide a minimum set of in-person training sessions at each location, as well as a procedure for follow-up online or in-person support, including refresher training sessions, as relevant.

For equipment to which a total cost of ownership approach applies, payments will be made in six-monthly instalment for a period of up to 24 months based on uptime of the equipment. Penalties are applied as indicated in the bidding documents for each relevant equipment type in case of excessive downtime or delays in maintenance and repairs, in an amount equivalent to a percentage share of the equipment value captured in the bidding documents. Penalties also apply as stipulated in the bidding documentation during the pre-commissioning phase.

Unless otherwise specified, a Performance Security of 10% of the contract will apply.

Payment terms will differ for each equipment type and are specified in the relevant bidding documents. However, for complex, high-technology equipment to which a total cost of ownership approach applies, payment will be made as a percentage share on advance and commissioning, followed by a period of six-monthly uptime-based payments subject to performance penalties for a period of up to 24 months.

There is no mandatory requirement to partner with any firm, either international or domestic. The bidder may submit the bid as sole bidder or form in the joint venture.

Contracts will be awared by lot for each package. Each lot will have one winner, and a package can therefore have as many winners as there are lots.

A maximum of three (3) members will be allowed for a joint venture. In the case of joint venture, Power of Attorney shall be signed by company leader from each member of joint venture. In the case of qualification requirement of a joint venture, the lead partner must meet minimum forty percent (40%) of the total average annual turnover requirement, while each other partner must meet minimum twenty percent (20%) of said turnover specified in the issued bidding documents (Request fo Bids). Formation of a joint venture shall not be considered as the establishment of a new entity. Each member of a joint venture shall continue to be accounted for based on its respective experience.

No, third-party financing from a party that is not part of the bidder(s) will not be accepted.

The bidder shall meet minimum AATO requirement as specified in the bidding documents for each lot. In case the bidder submit the bid in multiple lots and to be recommended for contract award in more than one lot, such bidder shall meet the cumulative AATO requirement for respective lots. This AATO does not have to be linked to the specific device to be procured under each lot, yet the bidder has to meet the specific experience requirements related to the device mentioned in the bidding docment.

The contract will be signed between the successful bidder and Indonesia's Ministry of Health.

The Government of Indonesia commits to making payments as per the contractual agreements stipulated in the bidding documentation. No separate insurances and securities will be provided by the Government of Indonesia or World Bank.

The bidding document clarifies this process: "The currency that shall be used for Bid evaluation and comparison purposes to convert at the selling exchange rate all Bid prices expressed in various currencies into a single currency is: Indonesia Rupiah (IDR). The source of exchange rate shall be: Transaction selling rate Bank Indonesia available on The date for the exchange rate shall be on the date of bid submission deadline.

See question 27 above

For equipment which is subject to performance-based payments, penalties will be applied due to delays in repair, full commissioning, preventative maintenance, and corrective maintenance during the extended warranty and service contract periods. As a rule of thumb, these penalties will be 0.1% of the Unitary Contract Value of the affected quantity per day after 5 days from the notification. The penalty will be increased to 0.3% of the Unitary Contract Value of the delayed quantity per day from the 16th day. Maximum penalty during Operational support and Maintenance phase upon acceptance will not exceed 25% of Unitary Contract Value for the entire lot. Please carefully review the bidding document for each of the lots as these rates and their application might differ for each device type.

The total contract includes the equipment and related services including the warranty or service contract value for the full duration of the contract specified in the bidding documents. For equipment subject to performance-based payments, for instance, the contract includes a minimum of 5 years of warranty and service contract, with additional technical scores awarded for extension of this warranty under the bid. The evaluation will be based on life cycle cost analysis.

Repairs and replacements are covered under the (extended) warranty and comprehensive service contracts which are part of the contracts. For equipment which is subject to performance-based payments, penalties will be applied for late repairs and excessive downtime of equipment.

The Bidder needs to ensure the equipment, spare parts, accessories, consumables, software with updates, and any other elements required for the full functionality and operation of the equipment are available for a minimum of 10 years. Replacements are not allowed.

This requirement is important to ensure that any bidder has the experience and capacity required to deliver on the contract in a timely and adequate manner. The minimum specific experience ensured Purchaser confidence in this ability of the Bidder to do so. The experience set is based on extensive market analysis for the specific device. It is important to note that for a JV, the requirement may be met by all members combined.

The list of hospitals, primary care facilities, and laboratories that will be the recipient of equipment is different for each type of equipment. For each lot, the bidding documentation will show the list of all beneficiary facilities.

Mandatory requirements will be judged on a Pass/Fail basis. The bidder who is not meeting any of mandatory requirements, such bids shall be rejected.

Bidders are allowed to bid for any combination of lots in a package. There is no requirement to bid for all lots in a package.

Sample Form of Bank/Demand Guarantee is provided in the bidding documents. There are no restrictions for commercial Banks to provide guarantees, provided all relevant information and evidence of the guarantees is submitted.

See response to question 9

See response to question 40

There is no mandatory requirement for domestic production, yet a margin of domestic preference may be applied. All valid bids will be evaluated solely based on their technical and financial components.

The same product can be offered by different bidders as long as this is in alignment with the World Bank procurement regulations. A Bidder who does not manufacture an item where a manufacturer authorization is required shall provide evidence of being duly authorized by a manufacturer. A bidder who does not manufacture an item where a manufacturer authorization is not required shall submit documentation on its status as a supplier to the satisfaction of the Purchaser (e.g. authorized dealer/ distributor of the items, past similar contract experience). Details on these requirements and associated evidence are captured in the bidding documentation for each package. Please note that each bidder can only submit one bid. Please also refer to ITB 4.1, 4.2 and 4.3.

See question 10.

The bidder can make this choice, as long as the Bidder can demonstrate that it has successfully and substantially completed similar Goods and Related Services (installation) under the Contract, and has past contract experience to supply and install similar equipment of a minimum of quantity in any of years prior to bid submission deadline specified in the bidding document. Only experience of the bidder who submitt the bid (either as sole bidder of JV) shall be considered.

Only the experience and requirements of the bidder will be considered, hence the experience and requirements of a third-party (e.g., a holding company that is not part of the bid) cannot be considered. The bidder needs to ensure either as individual bidder or as part of a JV, that all minimum experience and other requirements are met by the bidder(s).

Specs have been continuously revised, and vendor feedback has been sollicited and incorporated in the latest iteration of exposed specs. Hence, competitive and fair bidder competition for this and other equipment types has been ensured.

As per the World Bank procurement regulations, joint ventures, consortia, and associations can all join, as long as in case of a joint venture, consortium, or association, all of the parties shall be jointly and severally liable to the Purchaser for the fulfillment of the provisions of the Contract and shall designate one party to act as a leader with authority to bind the joint venture, consortium, or association. The composition or the constitution of the joint venture, consortium, or association shall not be altered without the prior consent of the Purchaser. All parties must also meet the Joint Venture criteria detailed in the bidding documents applicable to all joint ventures, consortia, and associations. Please refer to ITB 4.1

No, there is no registration process for vendors. All interested bidders can submit their bids for lots and packages following the instructions in the bidding documentation for each package.

Indeed, this also applies to any other accessories or equipment required under the bid.

Incoterms may vary for lots and packages, and have been established following extensive market analysis. For the cath lab and MRI packages, for instance, the Incoterms are DDP. This also plays an important role in the bid evaluation. The comparison of the financial part of the bid for these packages shall be on the basis of DDP (place of final destination) prices for imported goods, excluding taxes and duties, and DDP (place of final destination) prices for goods manufactured within the Borrower’s country excluding sales and other taxes, together with prices for any required installation, training, commissioning and other services. The evaluation of prices shall not take into account custom duties and other taxes levied on imported goods quoted DDP and sales and similar taxes levied in connection with the sale or delivery of goods. This way, a fair evaluation of domestic and imported goods is ensured.

The bidder is to incorporate in their bid the projected cost for the (extended) warranty and service contracts for the minimum duration indicated in the bidding documents, as applicable, inclusive of annual preventive maintenance and repair services, inclusive of all labor, parts, logistics and transportation. Meeting the minimum warranty and service contract requirements is mandatory, and any bid not meeting these requirements will automatically fail. Depending on the equipment type and as indicated in the technical specifications, bidders can increase their bid score for the technical part by offering extended warranties within their bid. The cost quoted for the (extended) warranty and service contracts will be part of the financial evaluation of the bid.

Specs have been continuously revised, and vendor feedback has been sollicited and incorporated in the latest iteration of exposed specs. Hence, competitive and fair bidder competition for this and other equipment types has been ensured.

Ministry of Health to soon provide update upon inter-ministerial discussions.

Related the procedure of the bidding included payment method, these regulations have been reflected in the bidding documents and its amendments. Please follow the link for the updated infomation

Unless otherwise specified in the bidding documentation, the Purchaser’s evaluation of a Bid will exclude and not take into account: (a) in the case of Goods manufactured in the Purchaser’s Country, sales and other similar taxes, which will be payable on the goods if a contract is awarded to the Bidder; (b) in the case of Goods manufactured outside the Purchaser’s Country, already imported or to be imported, customs duties and other import taxes levied on the imported Good, sales and other similar taxes, which will be payable on the Goods if the contract is awarded to the Bidder; (c) any allowance for price adjustment during the period of execution of the contract, if provided in the Bid. Custom Duties, Import Taxes, and any other direct or indirect taxes are to be reported separately in the bid, as applicable and as specified in the bidding documents.

The review type is the review requirement of the World Bank of procurement activities undertaken by MOH (PIU) to determine whether the procurement is carried out in accordance with (or in compliance with) the requirements of the Legal Agreement.

It is a minimun cummulative quantity of similar equipment that the Bidder had supplied and installed annually under relevant contract(s), in any of the year within the last seven (7) years. Please also refer to Section III Technical Part point 1. Qualification (b) Specific Experience under each issued Bidding Document for details.

The payment terms and conditions will be further defined in the issued Bidding Document (under Special Conditions of Contract section) for this particular package by taking into consideration the type and characteristic of equipment, and the category of health facilities.

Frequently Asked Question