Project-Related Materials

No. Document Title Upload Date Download File
1 Technical Specification for SOPHI (Final Draft - 8 Items) 2024-04-02 [Download]
2 FGD Indonesia Health System Strengthening SIHREN - Update 2024-03-28 [Download]
3 Technical Specification for SIHREN IsDB (Draft - CT_Scan & Mammography) 2024-03-28 [Download]
4 Technical Specification for SIHREN (Final Draft - additional 6 Items) 2024-03-28 [Download]
5 Technical Specification for SIHREN (Final Draft - 43 Items) 2024-03-26 [Download]
6 Technical Specification for SIHREN and SOPHI (DRAFT) 2024-02-26 [Download]
7 International Vendor Conference - January 15th 2024 2024-01-17 [Download]
8 P180811 Procurement Plan_IHSS (December 2023) 2024-01-17 [Download]
9 Scanning Systems, MRI (1.5T) Tech Specs (DRAFT) 2024-01-02 [Download]
10 VENDOR CONFERENCE Details on SIHREN, SOPHI & InPULS Project (updated) 2023-11-07 [Download]
11 DRAFT RFB Proc of MRI 2023-12-19 [Download]