Upcoming Events

No. Event Title Date Invitation Materials
1 Public Opening of Technical Parts of Bids (Procurement of Mammography) 2024-09-23 - -
2 Public Opening of Technical Parts of Bids (Procurement of Surgery Equipment) 2024-09-24 - -
3 Public Opening of Technical Parts of Bids (Procurement of Ventilator Equipment) 2024-09-25 - -


No. Event Title Date Invitation Materials
1 Public Opening of Technical Parts of Bids (Procurement of Invasive Cardiology Equipment) 2024-09-09 - -
2 Public Opening of Technical Parts of Bids (Procurement of Infant Warmers Equipment) 2024-09-12 [Download] -
3 Focus Group Discussion for National Open Bidding (SIHREN, SOPHI, InPULS) 2024-09-04 [Download] [Download]
4 Pre-Bid Meeting on Procurement of CT-Scan 2024-08-30 - [Download]
5 Public Opening of Technical Parts of Bids (Procurement of Radiography Equipment) 2024-08-27 [Download] -
6 Pre-Bid Meeting on Procurement of Mammography 2024-08-08 [Download] [Download]
7 Pre-Bid Meeting on Procurement of Infant Warmers Equipment 2024-07-24 [Download] [Download]
8 Pre-Bid Meeting on Procurement of Invasive Cardiology Equipment 2024-07-30 [Download] [Download]
9 Pre-Bid Meeting on Procurement of Surgery Equipment 2024-07-29 [Download] [Download]
10 Pre-Bid Meeting on Procurement of Ventilator Equipment 2024-08-01 [Download] [Download]
11 6th Vendor Conference - Procurement of SIHREN IsDB for 10 packages 2024-07-18 [Download] [Download]
12 Pre-Bid Meeting on Procurement of Radiography Equipment 2024-07-17 [Download] [Download]
13 Public Opening of Technical Parts of Bids (MRI 1.5T) 2024-07-03 [Download] -
14 5th Vendor Conference - Indonesia Health Systems Strengthening Project 2024-06-21 [Download] [Download]
15 Public Opening of Technical Parts of Bids (Cathlab) 2024-06-10 [Download] -
16 Pre-Bid Meeting on MRI 1.5T 2024-05-31 [Download] [Download]
17 Focus Group Discussion - SIHREN Technical Specification Update 2024-03-28 [Download] -
18 Pre-Bid Meeting on Cathlab 2024-04-01 [Download] -
19 4th Vendor Conference - Indonesia Health Systems Strengthening Project 2024-03-05 [Download] -